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  • 22/04/24

    Years 5 and 6 Enjoy Beautiful Day at the Stiperstones

    Years 5 and 6 enjoyed an amazing day at the Stiperstones to support their geography, art and science work.
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  • 22/04/24

    Blossom Planters

    Blossom Class have planted sunflower seeds this week.
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  • 22/04/24

    Tag Rugby Semi-Finalists!

    A huge well done to our tag rugby team who competed in the North Shropshire Tag Rugby semi-final.
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  • 15/04/24

    Our Thanks to Mrs Hodges

    Our thanks to Mrs Hodges who led worship today.
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  • 15/04/24

    Year 6 Explore Vital Skills

    In their recent PSHE lessons, Year 6 have been learning about CPR.
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  • 15/04/24

    Cricket Signals Start of Summer Term

    Children in Years 5 and 6 have taken part in Chance to Shine cricket this week.
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  • 15/04/24

    Apple Class and the Beebots

    Apple Class have been busy using the Beebots - programmable robots.
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  • 15/04/24

    Making Feathered Friends in Nursery

    Nursery enjoyed a visit from some very special feathered friends last week!
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  • 15/04/24

    Mrs Hodges Leads Worship on the Resurrection

    Our thanks to Mrs Hodges who joined us in the first week of Summer Term to lead worship.
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  • 21/03/24

    Easter Bingo Brings Bumper Crowd

    Wow! We were thrilled to welcome so many of you to our Easter bingo event tonight!
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  • 21/03/24

    Choir Performance Delights

    We are so proud of our choir who sang for friends and families last night.
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  • 21/03/24

    Reading Stores Amaze Us

    This week, we were gifted two amazing outdoor reading stores made by a very talented Year 6 pupil and his friends.
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