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At Prees, we aim to provide appropriate support for the range of emotional, physical, social, and educational needs of all pupils, and to monitor the effectiveness of this provision.

Each class provides a creative curriculum that is suitably differentiated to support children as individuals and ensure that every child has access to the curriculum using visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic activities.

Where an additional need has been identified, we work to deliver support at the earliest opportunity. We have specialised key workers who run intervention programmes and provide long and short-term support for pupils with additional needs. These interventions can be delivered one-to-one or in small groups and cover areas such as: communication and language, gross and fine motor skills, English, mathematics, and emotional and behavioural support.

We work alongside parents and carers to ensure that they have access to support and are able to work in partnership with us to support their child at home.

Our school is fully accessible to wheelchair users.

SEND Co-ordinator: Mrs Helen Rose

The policies below give an outline as to how we support children with SEND within our school.

If you would like to seek information outside of school, the Shropshire Local Offer gives important advice and guidance for parents and young people.
The Shropshire Local Offer
Shropshire Council – the latest SEND and Inclusion Newsletter

Please view the attachments below for SEN (SEND) information for Parents and Carers.